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Depression: the loss of the affective contact.

Depression: the loss of the affective contact
Nyidia Perez Chavez


Understanding depression as the loss of the affective contact means to first recognize that contact is something more than physical nearness, is an experience of connectivity, not only with human beings, but with all the alive beings, inanimate objects, even the space.

Between us, always exists someone whom is in process of loss of contact, or even ourselves in a certain moment we lose it, we establish rigid borders that unable us to contact, creating a negative square of the self and the world, not expressing our affections and we don’t allow that the affections of others contact us: we origin depression.

Gestalt Psychotherapy offers the way to re-do the lost contact and overcome depression. The treatment stills being a challenge, it is needed support and security to build pensafectos and accomplish to expand frontiers towards affective contact. The function of psycho therapist may be seeing as the strength that supports the expantion of the border. Between the therapist and the patient is found enough strength to build flexible borders.

Different psychological perspectives to treat depression.
Claudia Banda P
María del Rosario Sánchez J.


Depression has always existed; in the antiquity it was considered as a temporary state of mind. The conception of the term "depression" has changed over the time; provoking that many trends interested in it, formulate their own theories of the origin and treatment of this suffering. It is for that reason that this work analyzes the different psychological perspectives to treat depression, its historical backgrounds, pioneers, main characteristic and its therapeutic intervention. Finally we conclude with the Gestalt Therapy which is the richest in possibilities and alternatives of solution given the different situations that each individual presents.

Depression: mind and body disorder.
Lorena de los Angeles Mendoza C.
Maria de los Angeles Vega B.


Depression is a disorder that breaks up with the balance of mind and body, it alters the state of mind and biochemical of the human being. It is for this reason that the main objective of this research is to present the state of knowledge of the medicine on this disorder, so that when knowing its etiology, classification, symptoms and diagnosis it can be understood the importance of Gestalt Medicine and Psychotherapy combines efforts for its integral treatment and therefore be able to completely remit this illness.

Adolescents talk about depression
Marie Louise D. Plourde L.


High school students, male and female ages 15 to 18, talk about adolescent depression. In a simple way, they give their opinion on this disease, identify its observable manifestations in adolescents and express how they would like to receive help if they were affected. During the interview, these teenagers unveil their true feelings towards people suffering from depression.

The high school teacher position is analized in contrast to these contributions and some strategies that could help the teacher in his task forming human beings for life are proposed.

The research was conducted in March, 2005, at a private school in Coatepec, Veracruz. In order to implement it, the researcher followed the guidelines of the hermeneutic-dialectic method and used the semi-structured interview as measuring tool.

Gestalt Psichoterapy: An alternative in the depression treatment for institutionalized elderly people.
Zoila E. Hernández Z.


This research had the main objective to carry out a psychotherapeutic program out of the application of Guestaltic techniques oriented to the emotional wellbeing from a group of elderly people resident in a public old people’s home, especially to achieve a decrease in their depression levels which got high scores through the correspondent instrument. Results from the Gestalt techniques show an important decrease in depression, which is appreciable in the perception of their life quality. Qualitatively, an important expansion of their contact, alert, listening, expression and creativity abilities was appreciated. This expansion will contribute this elderly people to go along with dignity and joy the last years of their life.

You can purchase this book at a very accesible price at the CESIGUE library, Estanzuela 10, Frac. Pomona, Xalapa, Veracruz. If you want us to ship it to you please contact us to pbtain the appropriate information.


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